It's no secret, I love to eat. I also love to cook, but I hate to clean up the mess left afterward. This super easy bbq chicken pizza is not only delicious and easy, but relatively mess free. Try it tonight and let me know what you think.
Having a large family has its advantages... There's usually a brother or sister around to keep the little one entertained in the afternoon. I always have an extra set of hands, when unloading the dishwasher. If the assigned "trash taker outer" isn't available, I always have a spare. When I need stuff brought in, I always have an able bodied "kid" (17 & 20) at my disposal. Yeah, it's pretty nice... until I see my grocery bill. Feeding my small army has the potential to get rather costly and since starving them is frowned upon, I have developed a few "cheats" along the way to save a few dollars here and there. No, I am NOT a couponer. Yes, I do use coupons, on occasion. In my experience, I save more money by shopping at non-chain stores and buying certain foods in bulk, especially meat, which can get really expensive, really fast. Planning your weekly menu around sales is also a great way to save money.
I am a huge fan of weekly menu planning... I don't always get around to it, but I'm a huge fan. I find planning can save a ton of time & money in the long run, if you spend those extra few minutes before you go shopping. I usually write out five recipes, including a main dish with some kind of protein, a side dish or two and that's it. Then I write my grocery list accordingly, with only the items I need. It really is easy and the headache it saves you is worth the time it takes to actually sit down and write it out. Also, don't be afraid to think outside the box. Look around for alternative places to shop; ask friends where they shop, you'll be surprised what great gems are out there just waiting to be found. From small Mom and Pop grocery stores to the local Farmer's market or even a service like Zaycon Fresh. As my kids have gotten older and the age gap between them keeps widening, (20, 17 and 4) I find it harder and harder to come up with activities they will all enjoy, while allowing Mom to spend precious time, with them, making new memories (and messes). There are very few things all my kids will agree on, but one thing they all love, is family movie night, because they know it will be filled with amazing goodies, fun games and probably a surprise or two. Check out our latest adventure, a "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" themed movie night, including a ton of entertaining essentials from World Market. Having (what seems like) an entire Army of kids to feed, can make meal planning a bit difficult, not to mention, pricey. I am always on the lookout for yummy, budget friendly recipes to Guinea pig on the family and this one definitely did not disappoint. I found this easy recipe (and a crap ton of other yummy stuff), over at "Living Well, Spending Less" and couldn't wait to try it out for myself. The directions are super easy and you can do lots of variations, to suit your taste or that of your family.
Chicken 'n dumplins is definitely one of my favorite "go-to" Fall dishes to make, on a chilly night. I even got the picky little one to gobble down a bowl. I may or may not have had to bribe him with a cookie, to get the first bite into him, but after that, it was smooth sailing. Enjoy! Hot chicken is Hubby's new gastronomic obsession. While trying to eat low-carb, we have had many incarnations of chicken, around our house, but this is by far, one of the best and if you don't like the super hot stuff, no worries, the sauce can be adjusted, depending on your personal love of "hot". |
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