Being a full time Mom, full time Blogger, part time chef/taxi driver/event planner/house-keeper/doctor&Nurse/laundry mat attendant/picker-upper of all things gross and nasty/spider killer can sometimes be a daunting task. Some days it feels like I will never get everything done, that needs to be done, so I have devised a method of short cuts here and there... {by here & there, I mean EVERYWHERE} For example, I like to make freezer packs containing one weeks worth of a quick breakfast meal for my kids. Something I can pop in the microwave and serve in a matter of minutes and with the extra 10-15 minutes I saved, I can Facebook a little bit longer. {I kid...kind of}. Another time saver I employ, is planning ahead a weeks worth of dinner recipes at a time. This totally saves you from hearing the age old "What's for dinner, Mom?" question. Each week, I let my oldest son look through my recipe cards and pull out his top 5 picks. I add the necessary items to my grocery list and shop accordingly, buying only what's on the list, which also saves money at the grocery store, by not buying extra impulse items, you will save a ton of cash. I put all my recipe cards in a paper-clip and hang it on the fridge and each evening at dinner time, instead of him asking me what's for dinner, I ask him which one he wants from the remaining cards. It's a very simple system and I think that's why it works for me, but with every plan there's always a potential fail... Some weeks, like this one, I haven't had the drive to go do my usual big bi-weekly shopping trip, so I've had to rely on what I had on hand plus the few items I picked up for my husband's work lunches. Last night I was super tired and didn't really feel like cooking, but I still wanted a hot meal, so after much rummaging, I decided to do a simple Teriyaki chicken on a bed of coconut rice. Simple, easy and super healthy and made from common ingredients you probably already have on hand and it doesn't even require any measuring. I hardly ever measure when I'm cooking. I just do it until it taste right. You can adjust this recipe up or down, depending on how many people you're cooking for. What You Need:
Cut up all the veggies and place them to the side Cut the chicken into bite sized pieces, sprinkle it with garlic powder, S&P and a bit of ginger and pan-fry in a small amount of coconut oil, you could also use olive oil, but the coconut just adds a rich flavor that compliments this dish nicely. I also added a sprinkle of coconut during the frying, but that's optional. When the chicken is 95% done, add the veggies to the pan and drizzle some teriyaki sauce on top. Let this cook down for about 10 minutes {or less for crispier veggies} and right before it's done, add the pineapple, so it warms through, but keeps its texture. Soggy pineapple is NOT a great taste. While the chicken and veggies are cooking, you can pop the rice in the microwave. I used a 1 cup:1cup ratio of rice to coconut milk and added a pat of butter and a dash of sea salt, microwaved for 6 minutes and it turned out perfectly. It was fluffy and cooked just right and tasted amazing. I totally think this coconut rice would even make a great, quick breakfast meal. This dish turned out really good! Its simple ingredients yet complex mix of flavors really hit the spot, even the little one liked it. I even snuck in a little broccoli on him before he realized what it was and acted like he was gagging, which abruptly ended the glow I had from actually getting him to eat his veggies. I let him pull out the broccoli and set it aside... Chicken and rice is still super healthy, so I didn't feel too bad. I will get him to eat the broccoli one day if it kills me! Minute® Rice is so quick and easy to prepare and is great pantry staple. When meal time seems like a hassle, Minute® Rice is a go-to ingredient your whole family will love and allows you to have more quality time doing what your want with your loved ones.
Leftover rotisserie chicken or veggies from a meal earlier in the week? Minute® Rice can easily be paired with some of your leftover ingredients to make a quick, easy and wholesome meal your whole family will love in just a matter of minutes. Visit to create a great main meal or side dish for your next family get-together or potluck. This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Minute® Rice.
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