The popular Tenkai Knights anime cartoon series comes to life in this fun toy from Spin Master Toys and Ionix brand construction bricks. Who are the Tenkai Knights? Eons ago, a cube-like peaceful planet named Quarton, populated by shape-shifting living bricks called Tenkai, was ravaged by a war between two opposite factions: the Corekai and the Corrupted led by the ruthless warlord Vilius who desired to obtain the source of Tenkai Energy for his own purposes. However, the only ones who were strong enough to defeat him were the Tenkai Knights: Bravenwolf, Tributon, Valorn and Lydendor. Facing defeat, Vilius unleashed the mighty Tenkai Dragon, who was later defeated by the four Knights and its fragments were scattered across the planet. These heroes were never seen again, but the Corrupted have returned more powerful than ever. Now on planet Earth in the year 2034, four humans named Guren, Ceylan, Toxsa, and Chooki are chosen to become the new generation of Tenkai Knights and prevent Vilius to take control of both Quarton and Earth. Source: Wikipedia The Tenkai Knights action set I received, features "the incredible power of Bravenwolf, Valorn and Guardian Boreas. Hunt down Vilius and his corrupted army as they flee from the powerful Tenkai trio. Shapeshift, build and unleash each character as you customize their armor using extra pieces and charge into battle with Tenkai weapons! It’s 3 times the Tenkai energy and instant battle-action! Build your Tenkai army and discover an entire world of shapeshifting bricks: humanoid, winged, 4-legged, action, titan, power and weapon bricks. Each one contains its own unique shapeshifting power and is compatible with leading construction brands. Collect them all to unleash your Tenkai energy. Recreate epic battles from the Tenkai Knights TV series. Only you can master your Tenkai energy to defeat Vilius and his Corrupted army!" Source: Spin Master site
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