In our fast paced, material driven world, it's nice to find a simple gift that can make such a great impact. The story behind the S.H.M.I.L.Y. coin is truly heartwarming, you can read the full story HERE. Some fun ideas for your S.H.M.I.L.Y. coin
S.H.M.I.L.Y. I know my husband loves me, but sometimes it's just nice to have the outward expression of the love to remind me.
The S.H.M.I.L.Y. coin can be a fun way to show your loved ones you care and are thinking about them when you're not around. Stash the coin in your husband's lunch box or in the kid's backpack then when they find it, they will think of you and how much you love them. If your husband is anything like mine, this could quickly turn into a friendly game of one-upmanship. We are a very fun loving and competitive family and the S.H.M.I.L.Y. "game" is right up our alley. Last week, my Mom and Dad both caught the flu {thanks to my oldest son} and were in need of a few items from the grocery store and asked me if I'd go grab them, so of course I obliged. Before I dropped the groceries off at their house, I dropped a S.H.M.I.L.Y. coin wrapped up in a flyer with the story printed on it, in the bag and I dropped them at the door and sped away as not to re-infect myself with the funk that was looming over their house. Several hours later my Mom called to let me know she'd found the coin and began to thank me profusely... for the groceries and the S.H.M.I.L.Y. coin. I explained to her the concept of hiding it and waiting for others to find it and she said as soon as she could hold her head up without the room spinning, she would get to finding a spot for it where my Dad could find it. The S.H.M.I.L.Y. coin is quickly becoming a loving new tradition with my family and I hope it will be with yours too. I can't wait 'til Micah's first day of school, I already have plans to put it in his backpack. It's simple, super affordable and makes a huge impact to those you give it to. Order your very own S.H.M.I.L.Y. coins today, HERE.
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