Well, our mini vacation to Missouri is officially over. The thrill is gone. We're home and there are 800 loads of dirty laundry to do, 200 pieces of junk mail to sift through and my garden is in serious need of tending. I'm exhausted and feel as if someone beat me in my sleep, I can't remember if it's Monday or Tuesday {the boy said he "thinks" it's Tuesday... I'll have to trust him}, but even though I'm tired and delirious, I wouldn't trade the past weekend for anything in the world. We had a blast! Especially the kids. This is the first year that Micah really got into the pool and boy, was he diggin' it! He had his water wings on as well as his Spiderman float, 'cause Mama don't play when it comes to water safety. As the boys were having fun, splashing around in the pool, getting in and out, walking to and from the hot tub, on the super slippery tile, all my Mommy brain could think is... "Oh God, That tile looks awfully slippery, what am I gonna do if one of them falls and busts their head wide open and their brains fall out everywhere?" {that really is how my brain works, no joke, I'm a horrible worrier and I always prepare for the worst possible scenario, {i.e. brains on the pool tile} so that when something minor happens {skinned knee}, I'm totally prepared} So I prepared myself, going over my limited medical training in my head. {I used to be a CNT, when I was in my 20's , but the knowledge never left me} I reminded myself of my CPR ratios of breaths to compressions, then I remembered a piece I saw on the Today show that said to do your compressions to the beat of "Staying Alive" by The Bee Gee's, as it is 100 bpm, which is approximately 30 compressions per every two breaths. Then I reminded myself that I would most likely not need this info and to quit worrying and enjoy my vacation. Could You Save Your Child's Life In An Emergency?! What if your co-worker collapsed in the floor and stopped breathing? Could you do CPR on them until rescue services arrived? What if your child choked on a hot dog? Could you perform the Heimlich maneuver to save him? What if your son collapsed from heat exhaustion at football practice, would you know what to do?
You can be a lifesaver for those around you, by reading over this quick online refresher course. It will give you basic CPR refresher info, as well as info on responding to other emergencies you might run into in your daily life, such as choking and heat exhaustion. It only takes a few minutes, but the knowledge you will gain is invaluable! I was pleased to work with ACLS National to bring you the information and to raise CPR awareness.
1 Comment
3/9/2016 03:06:54 pm
Hi, your article mentioned ACLS National. They do not appear to be in business. I have clicked on several of their URLs and was led to a Go Daddy page stating their domain is for sale. I would like to offer my company, Pacific Medical Training, as an alternative. For now, here's a URL to some useful ACLS videos on our site that your viewers can benefit from: https://www.acls.net/videos.htm
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