A Week in the Life... So I've seen a lot of bloggers lately, posting their "A Week/Day in the Life..." posts and I have to admit, I am really intrigued by what other people do in their daily lives, especially other Moms. I'm always a bit more fond of the ones I can relate to... the ones who have fifty-eleven kids running around, who obviously haven't seen a hairbrush in a few hours (days), the ones who actually "live" in their homes, not just keep them like a museum, 'cause let's face it, a museum is a nice place to visit, but you wouldn't raise your kids there. I like the posts that involve at least one major catastrophe (preferably not life threatening), one or two fighting kids/pets, a husband who can not toss his dirty clothes in the basket if his life depended on it and a bad in-law story thrown in for good measure. As I was reading these posts, I noticed they always end at a certain time of the evening and it got me thinking... "What do these women do after xx time of night?" "Are they going straight to bed?" "Are they sneaking out of their homes and doing things so reprobate that they dare not blog or speak of them?" "Are they doing the same thing as me and just relaxing & watching TV, like "normal" people?" (Then I chuckled a little when I referenced myself in the same thought as "normal" people). Here's a quick highlight reel of what a week in the life of a Midlife Mommy is really like... Monday: I woke up around... Ok, I'm not even gonna lie, I have no idea what I did last Monday, but I'm sure it went a little like this... Wake up, fix breakfast for the little one, pick up all the crap the teen girl left in the living room on her way to school, pick up toys the little one left out from the previous day, start a load of clothes, start a load of dishes, throw something in the crock pot for dinner, clean up the latest mess the little one made (probably a spilled drink from breakfast), check Email and get sucked into Facebook for an hour or three, throw clothes in the dryer, start another load, fix lunch for the little, clean up another mess (probably peanut butter sandwich related), get the little one to take a nap, fold first load of clothes, dry second load of clothes, talk to teen daughter who has since arrived home from school with gripping tales of young love, crappy school food and homework, breathe, start fixing supper, eat, talk to hubby about his day, bathe the little one, fold second load of clothes (<- lie, I usually just leave 'em for the next day), get the little to sleep, breathe again, make sure the girl has done her chore (unload the dishwasher, she won't load it, because "It makes me wanna puke"), reload the (presumably) empty dishwasher, sit down and check my email and do any blogging work that needs to be done, watch about 45 minutes of my favorite shows and then I pass the hell out and get up and do it alllll over again the next day, every day... except for the weekends. The weekends are all mine, I like to "take the weekends off" and by "take the weekend off", I mean, I don't wash clothes or dishes, but it is by no means a vacation. I still have to feed everyone and make sure they don't stink. Everything was going "great" last week, until Thursday when the mother of all kidney infections kicked my ass... all the way to the ER. I wasn't sure if I was passing a kidney stone or about to become the next star of "I didn't know I was pregnant". I was having excruciating pains in my right side and it felt like the familiar pain of a kidney stone, so I did what any grown woman would do in this situation... I called my Mom. She came and drove me to the hospital and stayed with Micah the whole time, who wasn't really feelin' the whole hospital thing and kept wondering "What is taking so long?" After a nice shot of narcotics and a CT scan, stones were ruled out and it was determined I "just" had a kidney infection. The Dr. sent me home with antibiotics, a few pain pills and best wishes for a speedy recovery. On the way out the door, the nurse stopped me and asked if I needed a note for work... "Oh you silly girl, I am a full time work from home Mom, even if I had a note, to whom would I give it?" I chuckled, still high on narcotics and stumbled out the door. Later that day, I made chicken and dumplins for dinner and bathed the little one. The moral of this story... Drink lots of water or you will get a kidney infection... Oh, and you can't keep a good Mom down, for long. In an effort to cheer myself up and try to get my mind off the pain, I decided to do what any girl would do in this situation..PARTY... Ok, maybe "party" isn't the correct term, more like I invited my girlfriend over to eat a crap ton of junk and veg out in front of the TV and talk about our hubbys, our kids and people on Facebook. (Yes, girls REALLY do that) Usually, my get togethers are well planned out, and I go all out on the menu, but this get together was the exact opposite. I wanted totally stress free and casual. The hardest part of this soiree was keeping a straight face when I asked the guy at the pizza place "What do you have hot and ready?". After I had the menu taken care of, it was time to figure out what to watch... after much channel surfing, we finally decided to check out "Instant Mom", the new show on NickMom starring Tia Mowry-Hardrict. Instant Mom's main character, Stephanie, trades in cosmos for carpools when she marries an older man with three kids. Her new role of full-time step-mom is challenging as she struggles to maintain some sense of her fun-loving, slightly irresponsible self. I can sooo relate to this show, as my husband and I recently inherited his 16 year old daughter full time and let me tell you, having a teen girl around the house will certainly test your resolve and it also shows you that raising boys is nothing compared to raising girls. All I thought I knew, is now out the window, but I am up for the challenge, as is Stephanie on "Instant Mom" and I know that having this kid in my life & my home is exactly where she needs to be and I am hoping that I can show her how to be a good Mom, when it's her turn. With laughter, compassion and a little tough love every once in a while, we will get through the teen years and will be stronger than before. You can check out the fun new show "Instant Mom" starring Tia Mowry-Hardrict, with new episodes airing every Sunday night at 10 PM est on NickJr and old episodes re-airing, every weeknight, so you can catch up, just check your local show times and station. Being a Mom is one of the hardest jobs in the world and being a step Mom is even harder, so I'm glad I have NickMom to give me a "comic relief break" when life gets a little too real.
April Wray
10/28/2013 11:50:51 am
AND I think I need a nap now! Your day wore ME out!
11/2/2013 02:11:32 pm
Your life wears me out and I'm not even livin' it! Though mine sounds exactly the same, so maybe I'm just exhausted from my own life and yours just takes me over the edge? I digress, at least we have NickMom to keep us sane! #client
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