About a week ago, I responded to a call for writers, who would like to join a group, of 1000 bloggers, who would all post about the same topic, on the same day. The topic: Compassion. When I signed up, I didn't really have any idea what I was gonna write about, I still kinda don't, but I knew I had to be a part of this "movement". I knew there would be something I could gain, by being a part of this amazing group of writers and maybe, someone could gain something from me, as well. After I joined, I got nervous. I'm not typically known for being one of those serious bloggers who writes serious, meaningful blog posts on a daily basis. The blogger who always has something of great importance to write about. Would anyone even want to read what I have to say? Was I about to embarrass myself in front of a lot of really great bloggers?! I'm more of a fun, lighthearted blogger. I write about food and fun stuff to do with your kids. There was that one time I wrote about my "experience", back in April of '13, for SAAM, but I'm not typically that kind of blogger. I wondered if I even had anything to add to the conversation. I worried, I procrastinated, I decided I would just bow out, saying I had too many other things to do, too many other "pressing issues" to take care of. ... Then I told myself to shut up and get to work. I am a good writer. I can string a sentence together with the best of them and I have had plenty of opportunities to learn about compassion along the way. My voice is valid. My voice is worth hearing. My voice is strong. The point of this ramble is to show that compassion begins at home. It starts in your mind, it starts in your heart, it starts with being kind to yourself. You can't give, what you don't have. I could sit here all day and beat myself up with worry and doubt or I can choose to be kind to myself and give myself a break. I deserve it. I'm a pretty cool gal, if I do say so myself and I have had a lot of experiences that might benefit another person, if I only choose to share them. Nine times out of ten, we would NEVER talk down to another human being, the way we do to ourselves. You would never walk up to a stranger and say, "You suck, you probably should just give up now, it's not gonna end well for you." Instead, you would say, "You can totally do this, stop bugging out and just do it, you won't know until you try!"
After a few deep breaths and a little pep talk, I decided I would complete this "assignment". I would write about compassion and what it means to me. I will share my experiences with choosing compassion, when you really want to give up. Maybe people will read it, maybe they won't. Maybe it will suck, maybe it won't. Either way, who cares. For me, this is all about the journey and learning as much as I possibly can, while I'm here. It's not easy to examine all the little things that make us who we are and how we are, but I truly feel it is a necessary step, in making "self compassion" a second nature kind of emotion. Lucky for me, "the journey" isn't due until Feb 20th, so I still have time to figure out exactly what I want to write about and there's still time for you to join us. Here's a little more info on the #1000Voices initiative, you can check out this post and to join us, you can click here.
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